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Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Friday, August 28, 2009

Next Please!

So Robin Cook is no longer in Crisis as I have finished the book. (I'm sure the good Dr. Cook would be thrilled to hear that). It was a good book. An easy read. In fact, as Robin Cook novels go, perhaps too easy.Though perhaps not as well developed as most of his earlier stuff, it was still a good read. I also answered my own question about whether or not one could enjoy something when one did not always understand the terminology being used. Absolutely! After all with lines like "despite a cacophony of horn blowing and screeching tires, Jack's car managed to merge into traffic".(Robin Cook, Crisis, p255)ya gotta be impressed! How can you not love a line like that? I mean really? Does that not appeal to the wordsmith in all the avid readers among us? I love that line. It's so descriptive and....well ...loud. What can I say...I'm a city girl and can relate to those sounds so very well. I could not however have put them down on paper that well. Which is why he's earning the big bucks and I'm writing about him earning the big bucks.

Not all was wonderful with his words though. It took almost all the way to the end of the book but eventually the serious medical terminology did rear it's head. I spent a good 4 paragraphs wading through page after page of medical lingo that I neither needed to know for the purposes of this book nor wanted to know for any other purpose. Oh well, I suppose when you are as learned as Robin Cook, you will tend to lean toward your chosen field in whatever endeavor you undertake. In this case he simply took the reader along with him for a few rather tedious chapters. All in all it was worth the boredom. The book was well written, contained characters who were like old friends and even established new relationships with old characters. That's always nice as it leaves open a door for old and new to merge into a new book. That might be nice.

So what's next? I would really love to find a good old fashioned controversial book. Rabble rouser, sh** disturber, controversy queen.....that's me. Well at least a little bit. (even I have my limits). Something like the DaVinci Code would be nice. Lots of action. A great read and something to bicker both "for" and "against". Nice thought that. However, I've found nothing even remotely resembling that either in my own library or the Public Library. I think what I'm saying here in my own not so subtle way is, I need a good book to read. Something that I can sink my teeth into. Something that will keep me awake at night trying to finish. (I'm sick of being awake at night for no good reason). I've looked at all my favorite authors and no one has anything on the go right now. I can't wait for Dan Brown's new release but as I am # 161 on the waiting list at the library, methinks it will be a while before I get to that particular eagerly anticipated novel. I really think it's time to find a new author. One who's novels I have yet to sample. Preferably one I will like and has written a few already as that would provide good reading material for some time. Any suggestions anyone? I really could use a good book.

All of which brings me to my next question. Is being a Rabble rousing, sh** disturbing, controversy queen ( I flatter myself here) such a bad thing? Is it wrong to enjoy a good book simply for the sake of a good read despite the controversy that might surround it? Especially given my "Christian" status? There are many I know who would suggest that as a "Christian" I should be reading only "Christian" materials. What think you gentle readers? This is a question that has given me pause often. I mean, not only do I read material that I know many "Christian" people would shy far away from, often I relish it. How appropriate is this? Or not as the case may be? Please, let me know what you think and for goodness sake could someone please suggest a good author?! Or at the very least, a good book?! Thanks, I appreciate your help. :+)

Until next time, read on MacDuff......etc. (yes I know it was lame but it was there!). Apologies to die hard Shakespeare fans who don't see the humour.

PS - Thanks for the tip Dennis :+)



  1. I'm sitting here trying to remember if I've read Crisis yet. The name sounds familiar but I just can't place a story line. I'm finding myself in this situation a lot lately, looking through titles of books by my favorite authors and wondering, "Have I read that one?" I truly enjoy every book I read but often can't remember the details later. It's like they get lost in the crowd. I've even come to question whether or not I am just wasting time if I can't recall the book in retrospect. Am I a "bad" reader? Do you think the author would be insulted at my short term memory of all their hard work? I suppose the whole process serves a purpose by occupying my time while I'm too tired, in too much pain or just too defeated to do anything else. I must say though that I miss getting totally entangled in a book and carrying the experience with me for a time. Perhaps it's just my state of mind right now, too many topics spinning around in my head.

    Is it Angels and Demons that you are waiting for, Rachel? And if so how long do you think it will take for the cream of your name to raise 161 places to the top. The reason I'm asking is that I have a copy of that book somewhere in this mess of packed and unpacked boxes. I believe this particular box is still at Raymond's but I can send it up to you as soon as I find it. Will that help? I totally enjoyed that book and remember more of it than most I've read lately. If it isn't the one you’re are waiting for, which one is it? I may be interested in reading with you. Hey, we could turn this into a reading club!

    At the moment I have three books which I have started during the past 3 months and have never finished, House of God by Samuel Shem, M.D., The Ya Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells and Song of the Exile by Kiana Davenport. My inability to stick with any one of them is a symptom of my state of mind and not a reflection of the quality of read. Hopefully now that I am settling in Dartmouth and have no huge life changes glaring at me in the distance I will once again be able to sit down and truly enjoy a book. I'll keep you posted.

  2. Thanks Krista! I too often find that I read books then move on and forget whether or not I have read a perticular book later on. I really don't think that it's a commentary on whether or not the book was good. In fact, I find that I tend to remember the bad ones more than the good. Part of my forgetfulness comes from reading so many books but I think that honesty compels me to admit that another part is simply age! Having said that, I also don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to read a book, enjoy it, move on and forget it a year or so later. On the up side, it gives us more books to read. We can re read a book and enjoy it all over again! :+) (and to think I used to make fun of my mother for this very thing!) As for the author being insulted, the cynical side of me won out in this answer and I'll simply say that as long as we are indeed reading their books, the authors are happy!

    Thanks for the book titles. I read The Divine Secrets Of The Ya Ya Sisterhood long ago and it was very good! The other 2 I've not heard of but may check out.

    Believe it or not, I actually forget the Dan Brown Title I'm waiting for! (It's another Robert Langdon novel though) The book has not yet been released. It's due out later this month I believe. And thanks for the offer, but I too own Angels and Demons. :+) You might want to check the internet for the newest Brown title if you're a fan. Sorry I have forgotten but I'm tired right now and not operating on all cylinders. :+) As for the length of time it will take the cream of my name to rise to the top of the library list, I suppose it will depend on how many copies of the book they have ordered. With any luck, someone I know will buy the book (insert "I love you Katie" here) and lend it to me. In that event, I will hopefully be reading it very soon! whatever the case, the idea of some kind of online book club is intriguing. Anyone else have any thoughts/ideas about this? As to Dan Brown and/or other good authors, I'll keep you posted. TTFN
